June 7th

Powering Perspectives on the Macro Outlook

Capital Markets
AIX Trading Hall (Mangilik Yel 55/19, block C3.4)
Panel Session

Powering Perspectives on the Macro Outlook

Addressing a diverse range of policy, technology and regulation issues, the POWERING PERSPECTIVES ON THE MACRO OUTLOOK session will bring together influential industry leaders and government figures to discuss the opportunities for Kazakhstan as it works towards a sustainable, resilient and inclusive economy, and robust capital market.

By positioning itself as the crossroads between Europe and Asia, Kazakhstan offers excellent opportunities for investing in the creation of a new Silk Road, and with this in mind, the AIX is working on creating products that expose investors to this exciting initiative and make Kazakhstan’s capital market enticing and competitive the world over.

Timothy Bennett
Akylzhan Baimagambetov
Azamat Amrin
Hüseyin Özhan
Elena Eliseyenko
Yernar Zhanadil