June 7th

Investment Funds: what the future holds for the AIFC?

AIFC Products
Astana Hall (Mangilik Yel 55/19, C3.4)

Investment Funds: what the future holds for the AIFC?

Investment funds are estimated to manage close to $63 trillion of assets globally and account for 20% of global financial assets. While most of these funds are still domiciled in a handful of traditional fund jurisdictions, the competition in this space has picked up significantly in the last decade. With an attractive regulatory and tax environment, AIFC has gradually started gaining traction as a funds jurisdiction of choice for regional asset managers and their investors. Will AIFC be able to keep this momentum and become a regional hub for investment funds?  To answer this question, the panel discussion will seek to explore both global and AIFC-wide developments in domiciling and managing of investment funds from the perspective of regulatory environment, market access and operational considerations.

Temirlan Mukhambetzhanov, CFA
Alexander Lindemann, Dr. iur.
Gareth Ling
Pavel Koktyshev
Will Aston
Alexander Diakovsky