Faheem Ahmad
President of Strategic Planning and Global Relationships, Islamic International Rating Agency
He has top level management experience at international level in the fields of credit rating, Islamic and conventional financial risk assessment modeling. In 2001, Faheem participated in the establishment of Islamic International Rating Agency (IIRA) in Bahrain. In 2011, he developed and launched ‘Fiduciary Ratings’ capturing Mudarib’s quality, governance and compliance with Shari’ah principles.
In 2002, he was a member of the founding team that established the Association of Credit Rating Agencies in Asia (ACRAA), with an office in Manila. Mr. Ahmad served as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of ACRAA from 2014-17 and Vice Chairman from 2018-23. He is now serving as a Director on the Board. ACRAA has members from 30 rating agencies in Asia.
He is also the founder of Borhan Credit Rating Agency Iran.
He obtained MS (Civil Eng.) and MSBA from USA.