Welcome to Astana Finance Days 2024!
Please review and accept our terms regarding data processing, marketing communications, and the event application.
1. Personal Data Processing Consent
By registering for Astana Finance Days 2024, you consent to JSC “Astana Financial Centre Authority” collecting, using, and processing your personal data in accordance with AIFC Data Protection Regulations No.10 of 2017 and AIFC Data Protection Rules No.1 of 2018.
Your data is confidential and used solely for managing your event registration.
Purpose of Data Collection
– Manage conference registration
– Provide conference materials and updates
– Facilitate networking opportunities
– Comply with legal obligations
Data Collected
– Full Name
– Individual identification number (IIN)
– Document number and details
– Email Address
– Telephone Number
– Company/Organisation Name
– Job Title
– Citizenship
Use of Data
Your data will be utilised for the purposes mentioned above and may be shared with service providers assisting us, as well as governmental entities of the Republic of Kazakhstan for security reasons.
Data Retention
Your data will be retained as necessary to fulfil the outlined purposes or until the withdrawal of consent.
Your Rights
– Access your data
– Request correction of inaccurate data
– Object to or restrict data processing
– Withdraw consent at any time
By submitting the registration form, you consent to the collection, use, and processing of your personal data as described.
2. Terms of Use for Event Application
The Event.Rocks app allows participants to schedule meetings, communicate with each other, and find information about the Astana Finance Days 2024 event.
By downloading and using the app, you agree to the following terms:
• The Event.Rocks app is provided by a third-party service provider.
• It is used to obtain information about the program, speakers, and to organize B2B meetings during the event.
• The data you provide will be shared with other participants of Astana Finance Days 2024 for the purpose of organizing meetings.
The app can be downloaded from the links provided on the Astana Finance Days 2024 website
3. Contact Information
Should you have any questions or concerns about this form or our data processing practices, please contact us at [email protected].
By completing and submitting this form, you confirm your consent and agree to the terms specified above.